
Launched in May 2023, Illegal Memes was inspired by a rather unusual claim from a "crypto lawyer" who suggested that certain memes featuring Pepe the Frog in support of $Pepe, were 'illegal'. This bizarre assertion sparked the idea for "Illegal Memes" – a project that lives on the edge of satire and digital innovation.

At the heart of Illegal Memes is "IllegalPFPs", the first NFT collection of its kind. Combining various attributes, Illegal Memes builder allowed users to create their own PEPE profile picture (PFP) reflecting their unique personality and style. These creations could either be downloaded for free or minted as ERC721 tokens. The image and metadata was pinned to IPFS in real time and the NFT was minted in a revealed state, bringing new form of exclusivity and ownership to ERC721s.


But we are not stopping here. Illegal Memes is on a trajectory to expand its offerings, introducing more customizable PFPs, art collections and more. Illegal vision includes both original artworks and adaptations of existing PFP collections. For the first time, collectors will be able to craft their personalized versions of popular collections, selecting attributes that resonate with their identity or style preferences.

Our pioneering collection, "IllegalPFPs," sets the precedent for what we call 'Counterfeits.' This category playfully alludes to the notion of certain future collections being counterfeits of existing collections, yet they will be original in their right of customization and artistic interpretation.


The DIY builder and minter was not the only unique attribute of IllegalMemes. During the minting phase of IllegalPFPs, we introduced a unique referral system. This system paid percentage of each transaction to the referrer in real time. All NFT communities were invited to send referrals by simply suffixing their wallets to the URL. This innovative approach went beyond conventional strategies, highlighting our commitment to creating an engaged community.

As we look to the future, "Illegal Memes" is dedicated to integrating similarly creative and unconventional dynamics into our upcoming art and collections. The ethos that drove our original PFP builder and referral system will continue to inspire our future initiatives, ensuring each new collection under the IllegalMemes banner is fresh and engaging.
